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shadow Hornbeck Offshore


The HOS GEMSTONE is a 240 Class OSV.

Feature Attribute
Vessel Class 240 Class OSV
Length 240 ft / (73 m)
DWT 2,758 LT / (2,802 MT)
Deck Area 7,920 ft² / (736 m²)
Liquid Mud 8,270 bbls
Dynamic Positioning Dynamic Positioning Capability Class 2
Number of Berths 16
Crane 0 MT Construction Crane
Crane Wire N/A
Downloadable Docs: HOS Gemstone Specification Sheet
HOS Gemstone General Arrangement and Profile Drawings

Many of our vessels can be completely customized and configured to meet your needs. Be sure to look at one of our many Featured Fleets.

If you have additional questions or more specific requirements, please contact the sales department at (985) 727-6945 or contact us.

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